Losers Cirque

Dynamic Multi-Disciplinary Circus Artists

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Losers Cirque’s The Audition is a dynamic blend of theater and circus, a performance that captivates audiences of all ages.

Losers Cirque’s The Audition is a compelling exploration of human competitiveness and the extremes individuals go to in their pursuit of success. Blending circus and physical theater, The Audition delves into the psychological and physical boundaries people cross to achieve victory.

In daily life, we often find ourselves proving our value, qualifications, or strength. With the growing trend of changing careers multiple times, we frequently wait for opportunities, competing against others for a chance to succeed.

Losers Cirque’s The Audition centers on an open competition for an undefined job—no one knows what they’re striving for or the requirements to win. The protagonists put all their effort into showcasing their talents. From the start, they are reduced to their assigned reference numbers and become rivals. In this ruleless environment, the applicants begin to question whether fair play can lead to success.

Acrobatics, dance, and live music serve as the primary expressions of the performance with drama, singing, and juggling also incorporated. Duct tape is a key visual element, defining space for movement or paralyzing competitors.

The audience becomes part of Losers Cirque’s The Audition, engaging in direct interaction and acting as judges to determine the final winner.

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